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Article of Interest - Classroom/Home Connection

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Experiencia: Program Connects Classroom and Home Instruction Through Immersive Learning for 3rd - 6th Graders

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What is Experiencia?

Experiencia is pioneering a proprietary learning system, Immersive Learning™, that enhances and connects classroom and home instruction with vivid learning experiences at interactive simulation sites. Experiencia programs transform teaching and learning by brining theory and best practices to life. Through our Immersive Learning model, children do the following:

1) Engage in memorable and intriguing problem-solving projects and simulations
2) Construct knowledge from hands-on applications
3) Participate as members of a team guided by a trained facilitator

What makes the Immersive Learning System unique-not the ordinary field trip?

Parents, students and teachers complete 40 hours of classroom curriculum and home activities meeting rigorous academic standards before and after they visit the state-of-the-art learning center. At the museum-quality simulation sites, Immersive Learning stimulates knowledge acquisition, skill building and teamwork as participants solve puzzling, complex and real-life problems.

How was Experiencia founded?

Experiencia is founded on more than 20 years of research, development and application of experience-based methodologies and tools. The founders Connie Campbell and Elaine Mondschein, led the development of the Immersive Learning strategy in their roles at The Learning Exchange®, a non-profit educational consulting and intellectual property development organization in Kansas City, Missouri.

What are Experiencia's projections for growth?

1) Over the next five years, Experiencia plans to build sites in more than 40 additional cities.
2) Over 30,000 students participate annually at each EarthWorks® and Exchange City® site
3) By June 2008, Experiencia projects 1.6 million students will be participating in programs year-round across the country.

What are Experiencia's products?

1) EarthWorks -- 3rd and 4th grade environmental and life sciences-based program
2) Exchange City -- 5th and 6th grade economics and social studies-based program


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