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Article of Interest - No Child Left Behind

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Bridges4Kids LogoVIDEO WEBCAST: Secretary Paige Announces New No Child Left Behind Provision For Students With Disabilities
Originally broadcast live on December 9, 2003
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U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver, House Education and Workforce Committee Chairman John Boehner and children with disabilities gathered for a press conference to discuss how all children in America deserve a quality education, including those with disabilities.

The press conference also explains a new regulation published in the Federal Register that provides greater flexibility for schools under the bipartisan No Child Left Behind education reform law that also ensures accountability for students with disabilities. The new provision will strengthen the two key pillars of the No Child Left Behind Act -- accountability and flexibility -- while protecting parents' opportunities to receive information about their child's progress in school.

Participants: U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver, U.S. Rep. John Boehner, Chairman of the House Education and Workforce Committee, Mark Howard, parent. Mr. Howard's son Nicholas, 8, is a second grade student at Falmouth Elementary School in Stafford County. Nicholas enjoys music class, swimming, and Cub Scouts. Nicholas has autism. JoAnn Nelson, math, English and reading teacher at Benjamin Franklin Middle School in Fairfax County, VA. Ms. Nelson teaches students with diverse disabilities, including students with the most significant cognitive disabilities Emily Lambert, one of Ms. Nelson's students. Emily Lambert is an 8th grade student and participates in the school chorus, on the school newspaper staff, and in Special Olympics basketball. Emily has Down syndrome.


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