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Article of Interest - Summer Programming

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Bridges4Kids LogoGrand Rapids Academic Summer Program (for all Michigan kids!)
GRASP, January 2004; updated
February 2009

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GRASP Grade 1GRASP is a Reading and Math correspondence program for children completing grades K-8. There is also an online version for grades 4-8. The program seeks to help students retain skills learned during the past school year by providing review exercises created by curriculum professionals and teachers.

GRASP has 9 lessons to be submitted during the summer—one per week or at their own pace to work around other activities, as long as everything is submitted by the deadline. Each lesson reinforces the basic skills typically found in most curricula at that particular grade level. GRASP staff score the lesson and return it to the student with comments. Online students get immediate results.

Students who successfully complete at least 7 of 9 lessons by the deadline are awarded a GRASP certificate. A medal is awarded for 9 successfully completed lessons. For more information or to enroll, go to or call (616) 819-2548.


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