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Article of Interest - Michigan

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Bridges4Kids LogoA GED, Your Ticket To Freedom
MIRS, May 26, 2004
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Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed into law a bill today that would allow a judge to require someone to get their high school diploma or their general education development (GED) certificate before they are allowed to get off probation.

In signing HB 4434, sponsored by Rep. Virgil SMITH (D-Detroit), there's a belief that lawbreakers who do end up with an education are more marketable and less likely to return to a life of crime, thereby cutting long-range corrections costs.

According to a 1992 State Government News article, 70-75 percent of prisoners nationwide are high school dropouts. The article went on to review a 1990 analysis that was done by the Correctional Education School Authority in Florida that found higher employment rates and lower recidivism rates among those offenders who completed either a GED or a vocational program.

Granholm also signed HB 4244, sponsored by Rep. Jack MINORE (D-Flint), which allows those children under the care of retired teachers to be covered under their health insurance. The bill was written in response to a retired teacher who is the legal guardian of her young grandchild. She noticed that under the law, only natural born or legally adopted children are covered under the retired teacher's insurance.


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