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Proposed Medicaid Rule Would Allow Thousands To Choose Community Supports Instead of Institutional Care

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Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express, April 1, 2008

A proposal by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services would allow thousands of Americans, who previously could only receive Medicaid-funded services in nursing homes and other institutions, to be given the choice to receive them in their homes.

According to a March 31 press statement, the proposed rule gives state Medicaid programs guidance on how to implement part of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 that allows them to provide home and community-based services without having to prove that the individual is at risk of being institutionalized.

"Thousands more Medicaid beneficiaries may now be able to opt for needed long-term support services in their homes rather than institutions," said CMS Acting Administrator Kerry Weems. "Breaking the historic link between long-term care and institutions will level the playing field and give beneficiaries new choices for how they receive care."

"The home and community-based services option is a win/win opportunity, giving beneficiaries more control over their care and allowing states to spend Medicaid resources more efficiently," Weems added.

The public will be able to comment on the proposal between April 4, when it is published in the Federal Register, and June 3, 2008.

Text of proposed rule (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)


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